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  • Writer's pictureSara E

Positive mindset

I'm a firm believer in practicing what I teach so for my first blog I thought I'd give you a quick tour of the daily practices I follow that help me live my best life.

My daily routeen starts at bedtime, I journal to get all my thoughts down on paper and out of my head. 

I finish my journal with 1 thing I am greatful for in that day and 1 thing I am proud of.

Then I lie quitely and think about what it is I need.  Sometimes my question is what would be one step I could take to move my career forward?  Sometimes it's what's one thing I could do for my significant others happiness?  I close my eyes and focus on the question as I drift off to sleep.  Often when I wake the next day I have ideas to answer my question. 

Fast forward to the morning, I wake and lie in bed and listen to positive afformations for 5 to 10 minutes.  Then I get up and eat breakfast.  I then journal, getting all the thoughts that came to me when I woke up down.

I really look at the ideas and focus on the ones that have electricity- you know the ones that jump out off the page at you, and I circle these.  These will be my actions of the day.

I then write down 3 things I am greatful for and 1 thing I am proud of.  I'm already coming at my day with a bucket load of positive energy but to move it even higher I now try on the life I would love.

I get quiet and picture the life I would love to live, I think about how it would look, feel, smell and taste.  I immerse myself in the pictures and feelings and take that positive energy boost forward into my day.

At various points durring my day (when I feel my energy dipping or when something hasn't quite gone to plan) I will take time to stop and quickly reimmerse myself in my dream image to make sure I keep my energy high.

And before you know it we're back at the bedtime routine again.

I should probably add that there are a lot of other ways I get my energy zinging, durring the day.  I'm always down for a dance - even when theres no music, yoga brings me back to my body and getting out into nature lifts the mind and soul of this writer a huge amount.

How do you manage your positive energy through the day? 

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